Using The List Viewer

This lesson provides you an overview of the many default value options in the mySAP ERP system. The user will not want to will have to re-enter data. You therefore want to define default values in the machine. Parameter IDs allow users to set default values for fields whose value does not change frequently, for example, company code, currency.

When you execute the transaction, these values come in the corresponding areas automatically. You therefore do not have to enter these ideals and can prevent input errors manually. Document entry: Users can hide fields that might not be relevant for his or her work such as fire or cross-company code business transactions. You can also use special editing options for the single display screen transactions. Document display: Using the List Viewer, the user can select different display options for displaying documents. Open items: Users choose line layout displays and publishing options for digesting open items, that is, users can enter the quantity of an incomplete payment or the total amount of the new open item.

  • Financial Compliance
  • May be unable to make decisions that could suit the neighborhood area
  • 6/3. 6/4. Gp
  • Foster economic development – maintain/create jobs and make a difference in people’s lives
  • 841(b)(I)(D), and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.”

When users get on the mySAP ERP system, their user ID has specific properties, specifically the logon language, date format, and decimal notation, that connect with it throughout the functional system. Users can also set a default printer for themselves. You can simplify the work for user maintenance by first creating a dummy user and maintaining the values in accordance with the accounting requirements and then copying this user.

The system offers you basic default beliefs for document entry. For example, during document entry, the existing data is proposed as the publishing date. When you have joined a document already, for the next document, the machine proposes the business code that you joined in the last document. The system uses the document principle: The total amount of the document must be zero before it could be posted.

To enter the various business transactions in accounting, the operational system offers you predefined record types and publishing secrets in the configuration. In the operational system, 12 months is suggested when you screen or change documents you can control if the fiscal. In company codes with (mostly) year-specific document number assignment, it is effective if the fiscal year is proposed – the machine then proposes the document number of the last document processed and the relevant fiscal year.

You can also have the CPU time proposed as value date. At company-code level, get into the maximum difference permitted between your exchange rate in the document header of a business transaction and the exchange rate in the exchange rate table. If the functional system decides that this maximum percentage difference has been exceeded, it issues a caution message. In this way, incorrect entries can be known and corrected with time.

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Through its digital platform, BP continues to test new initiatives, like linking the BPme application to the in-car dash system, which would give consumers insights into fuel level and generating style. “We’re able to start to talk to consumers about offers to get more oil or encourage them to fill after so many kilometers,” Buck said.

In another test, video cameras recognize if an electric motor car is dirty, allowing for proactive car clean promotions. In a recently available podcast, BP spoke with CSD about a lab pilot it does to check using biometrics at the pump. BP also launched a new app in April for its branded marketers and site providers that deliver on-the-go access to marketing resources, individualized site performance dashboards, and training materials.

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